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Mon-Fri : 8am-5pm


07 3495 0118


07 3495 0119

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Skin Cancer Medicine

Skin cancer is one of the highest forms of cancer found in Australians with a risk of 2 in every 3 Australians being diagnosed before the age of 70. Fortunately knowledge and technologies assist medical professionals with diagnosing and predicting skin cancers before the effects are significant. Dr Gavin Williams has a particular interest in skin cancer medicine with experience in a skin cancer clinic. He has also completed extra training with the University of Queensland in Primary and Advanced Skin Cancer Surgery and Skin Cancer Medicine.

Regular skin checks are an efficient way to have your skin assessed for any potential threats and are recommended for all Australians. Once a thorough check has been conducted your doctor will inform you if there are any concerning areas that you should keep an eye on or if a biopsy or excision is required. These can be done in the practice in a following appointment with the doctor and the nurse. 

Call to book an appointment on 3495 0118 or click the link below to book online 24/7.