Opening Hours

Mon-Fri : 8am-5pm


07 3495 0118


07 3495 0119

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Missed Appointment Policy

Here at Bray Park Family Doctors we strive to provide an outstanding service with knowledgeable and caring doctors but without long wait times. We aim to provide same day appointments with your preferred doctor.

However, when a patient doesn’t attend their appointment it takes up an appointment time which could’ve been offered to one of our other patients in need. Please be considerate when you’re unable to attend your appointment and cancel with at least 1 hours notice in order to provide some time to fill the appointment slot. Each circumstance is individually considered and extenuating circumstances are understood.  

When 2 standard appointments or 1 long appointment is missed by yourself and/or your dependents within a 12 month period a standard consult fee is charged to substitute for the doctor time which has been taken up. This fee is not medicare rebatable.

All patients are made aware of this policy before being charged a fee. This occurs when the  consults are missed and when patients call to confirm their appointments. This aims to give patients the opportunity to inform us with notice when they cannot make their appointments and to inform patients of our policy.


Call to book an appointment on 3495 0118 or click the link below to book online 24/7.